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Php Requirement Analyser

Basic php version requirement analyser

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If you are looking for a battle-tested library with a cleaner architecture and more functionality you may find your library of choice at llaville/php-compat-info for now.

Php Version Requirement Analyser

This repository contains a library and a console application to validate your php files' version requirements. The library makes heavy use of the PHP-Parser library

Build Status Dependency Status Coverage Status

Api - Documentation

You may find the incomplete API-documentation here. Please be aware that at this time it is uncomplete.

Installation and usage of the cli app

The packed pvra.phar file is available as a download on the releases page (once there is a release). Run php pvra.phar to see a list of available commands. If you downloaded or cloned the repository itself run php bin/pvra from the root of the repository. Make sure all dependencies are available (not required if you run from phar), this requires you to be able to run <php> composer install --prefer-dist --no-dev on your machine.



// data/test.php
// code does not make sense, it's still a nice example

trait Gamma
    public function test(callable $abc, ...$vars) {
        return $this->test()['abc'];


php bin/pvra analyse:file -f data/test.php


Required version: 5.6.0
Version 5.4.0
        Reason: Usage of the trait keyword requires PHP 5.4 in .../data/test.php:3.
        Reason: The callable typehint requires php 5.4 in .../data/test.php:5.
        Reason: Function dereferencing requires php 5.4 in .../data/test.php:6.
Version 5.6.0
        Reason: Variadic arguments require php 5.6 in .../data/test.php:5.

Installation and usage of the library.

Run composer require <package-name> in the root of your project and include the composer autoloader somewhere.


// autoloading and namespace import is assumed

$req = new StringRequirementAnalyser('<?php trait abc{}');

$req->attachRequirementVisitor(new Php54LanguageFeatureNodeWalker);
$req->attachRequirementVisitor(new Php55LanguageFeatureNodeWalker);
$req->attachRequirementVisitor(new Php56LanguageFeatureNodeWalker);
$req->attachRequirementVisitor(new LibraryAdditionsNodeWalker);

$result = $req->run();

echo $result->getRequiredVersion(), PHP_EOL; // 5.4.0

foreach($result as $r) {
    echo $r['msg'], 'on line ', $r['line'], PHP_EOL; 

Building the phar

Box is required to build the phar. Run box build in the repository root. Box requires the code to be inside a git repository.


See here